tiktok video mistakes

TikTok Video Mistakes – 7 Worst

Don’t make these TikTok video mistakes or your channel will suffer. TikTok is one of the fastest growing social media apps in recent years. The app has over 500 million users and it’s not hard to see why when you look at all of the awesome videos that people are posting! 

But, like any other social media platform, TikTok has some mistakes that can be made by creators. This blog post will show you 7 TikTok video mistakes to avoid so your tiktok account grows week after week.

Skipped the Research

don't skip the research

I know you’re excited to get started, but skipping your research is a huge mistake.  Take at least an hour and see what other people are doing in your niche. Here is a Free TikTok Training that will take you step by step through the entire process of setting up your account and avoiding TikTok video mistakes.

All you have to do is click on the search icon at the bottom of the TikTok app home screen and type in the keyword for your industry, niche, or topic.  Once you do that there are a few things you want to look for:

What are they talking about

Each channel will have successful and unsuccessful videos, watch them both.  Find the topics that are the most successful, meaning the most views and take some notes.  Don’t copy exactly, but this should point you in the right direction.

How Long is The Video 

Most of the videos are one minute or less, some of the older channels have the ability to produce 3 minute videos.  When you’re looking at videos in your niche with the most views, make notes on how long they are.

My most successful videos with over 1 million views have been 15 seconds or less.  We have a short attention span, we want the information as quick as possible.  Be brief and be gone. Here is my TikTok account if you want to see how I am currently doing things.

No Video Entry Hook

When you start your video you need to get the users attention. You need an entry hook!  An “entry hook” means that at the beginning of your tiktok video you should make sure it catches people’s eyes and makes them want to watch more. 

This can be done a lot of different ways, including using tiktok filters, tiktok stickers and TikTok titles, or a quick entry! The quick entry is my favorite, it has worked really well for me on a regular basis.

Jumping into the camera gets users attention fast, it’s one of my favorite hooks.  I also use titles in the first two seconds of my videos to get users attention.  Both of these hooks have helped me get over 40 million views on my videos.

Don’t Be Too Serious 

looking too serious

When you first start producing videos you will probably be a little nervous, that’s perfectly normal.  Just relax smile and start your video. Here are a few more filming tips that might help you out.

If you’re too serious it’s hard for people to connect with you.  If you make mistakes just laugh it off, it makes you seem more real to viewers.  Some topics are more serious than others but you still need to have some fun.

When you’re making videos I would focus on three main areas.  Educate, Entertain, or Inform.  If you can pick one of these and do it well your chances of success will be much better.  Don’t try to be everything to everyone, pick a niche and try to stick with it.

Trying to Sell Too Hard

Everyone likes to buy but no one likes to be sold too.  If you’re tiktok video is only about selling people something they probably won’t watch it, or like it.

Trying to sell your tiktok account too hard in a video can also be bad for growth..  You want other creators on tiktok to feel comfortable working with you and if all your videos are about selling something it can make people feel like you’re all business.

Build Your Tribe First

People buy from people that they know, like, and trust.  Build your tribe by giving valuable content through your videos first.  Over time, people will 

start to like you and your videos.  By doing this first you build a level of trust with your audience.

After you have spent some time building a tribe then it’s ok to start to recommend different products too them that you believe in.  This is important, don’t break that trust by pushing tons of products or products that are terrible.  I only recommend products and services that I use and believe in.

TikTok Video Mistakes – Wrong Hashtags

Hashtags are a critical part of posting your videos on TikTok.  Think of hashtags as keywords in the SEO world.  Hashtags are how you identify what your video is about.

When it comes to hashtags TikTok ranks them according to views.  For example, if you use the hashtag #iPhone, it has about 5B views, which means 5 billion views.

Until you get to 100K followers, I would use hashtags with less thank 50K views if possible.  For instance instead of #iPhone, you could use something like #iPhoneTipsandTricks2021.  This is much like a long tail keyword, less views means less competition.  

Rambling On and On

This is a common mistake when you first get started and one I am still guilty of from time to time.  On TikTok you only have one minute to tell your story.  Don’t ramble on and on, make sure you get to the point!

In tiktok videos less is more.  If you’re tiktok video is too long it’s hard for people to stay engaged with it.  I would try not to go over 30 seconds in length if possible when you first get started.

When it comes to my viral videos, all but two have been 15 seconds or less.  I have only had two videos that were over 15 seconds get over a million views.  People like their information quickly, get to the point and be gone.

No Call to action

This is one of the most common TikTok video mistakes that we all make at first. It’s important to build a tribe before you make too many offers but a call to action is perfectly fine.

I recommend that you regularly ask people to follow you, like, comment, and share. I don’t suggest that you use all of these in each video. You should pick one for each video and vary them.

In one video you can ask people to follow you for more great videos. In the next video you can tell people to leave a comment and you will respond. Asking someone to hit the heart or like button is probably the easiest so I would do this on a regular basis.

Time for Offers

Once you have built a tribe of at least 1K followers then you can start making offers occasionally. Be careful how you do this, TikTok does not like you sending people away from their platform by recommending links.

Here is a great way to find high ticket affiliate offers.

In the comments make sure that you never put a website in, even on your own videos. I made this mistake a couple times and they took my video down because of it. They also made it so I couldn’t comment for a couple days as punishment.

TikTok Video Mistakes – Youtube