great email marketing ideas

Proven Email Marketing Ideas for Local Businesses

Discover new email marketing ideas that will help your local business. Email marketing is a powerful tool to grow your email list, generate sales, and keep in touch with customers. In this article, we will discuss proven email marketing ideas for local businesses. These have been shown to work time and time again.

We’ll cover how you can use email marketing to reach new potential customers. This will help increase customer loyalty and drive traffic back to your website or physical store locations!

Why Should I use Email Marketing in My Local Business?

One of the best ways to build relationships is to keep in contact with your customers. A great feature of email marketing is the ability to build relationships with potential customers and dedicated clients.

Most local businesses don’t take advantage of email marketing so this will also help you stand out. Once you set up this process, it can be automated so you don’t have to do all of the work.

Do You Own a Local Business?

Are you looking for ways to grow your customer base and keep in touch with current customers? You’re in the right place because email marketing is the way to go. This blog post will show you how to use email marketing effectively so that it works for your business.

You’ll learn what works and why by seeing examples of companies that have used email marketing successfully. We’ll also cover the best practices when it comes to tone of voice, design, frequency, content strategy, and more!

By following these steps outlined in this article, you can start growing your customer base today! Once people know about your company through email marketing they are much more likely to become loyal customers.

Potential clients will feel like they already know about you before ever stepping foot into your store or restaurant.

Email is one of the most effective ways for local businesses like yours to reach new audiences. This will also help you stay connected with existing ones.

So don’t wait any longer – read on now!

Why Email Marketing Campaign is Important

email marketing ideas and tips
  • Email marketing is a key factor to reach out to more people in the community.
  • It helps you stay connected with your audience and grow their trust. Therefore it can help boost sales numbers even higher than before!
  • Consistent email campaigns are super effective when done right. Some of the most popular email marketing ideas include: sending email newsletters, email promotions, email advertising campaigns.
  • These campaigns are very effective but only if done right. The email marketing tools we discuss can help make this process a lot more successful!
  • One of the most popular ones and the one I use is Aweber.

Email Marketing Tools

aweber autoresponder
  • Email newsletters provide a great opportunity to keep your audience updated on all news about your company. They are also great at increasing brand awareness.
  • This is also a great way to let people know about a new product or service that your business is offering. This also allows you to show the value of what you’re selling and encourage people to buy it!
  • Advertising campaigns can be done in multiple ways. I have found Facebook ads to work really well at building an email list. Just make sure that you have offers in your auto responder sequence.

How to Create a Successful Email Campaign

Creating a successful email marketing campaign can be done by following these steps:

  1. Create an engaging subject line that shows the value of what’s to come.
  2. Make sure your email includes useful content and relevant information.
  3. Vary your emails between helpful information and promotions.
  4. Have a clear call to action.
  5. One promotional email for every 4 that give value.
  6. In your signature make sure and link to your social media channels and website.

Email Design

Email Design is important as well, it has to look good. But on the other hand, you don’t want it to have too many graphics and go right to spam. You also want to include images along with the body text.

Email Frequency

Email frequency is important and it varies by industry. In some industries it’s OK to send just one email per week. For most industries that is not enough, I recommend every 3 to 5 days.

Customer Feedback

Lastly, don’t forget to ask your customers to give you feedback. This will help you in designing emails that customers really want to read.

Email marketing is a great way for local businesses like yours to grow their customer base. On the flip side, here are some rules in business that are meant to be broken.

Email Newsletters

email newsletters

When people sign up to receive email newsletters from your business, they are much more likely to become loyal customers. They will already know about the products/services that you have available before ever stepping foot in a physical location.

Effective Email Marketing Campaigns can Help Boost Sales Numbers.

All of us buy from people that we know, like, and trust. Email is a great tool to help build engagement and that trust. When you have a responsive list of people who like your information it’s much easier to increase sales.

When you’re crafting your email newsletter really think about how much value you can provide. If you just think about promotions this won’t work very well. If you need help coming up with good email content, check out this short article.

Types of Emails You Can Send :

  • Email newsletter keeping people updated.
  • Promotional email sent to existing customers showing them new products.
  • Email blasts/coupons for new or returning customers. Also known as transactional emails, they consist of information related to a customer’s purchase such as receipts and confirmation messages.
  • Emails offering special discounts are also good examples of promotional emails that can be used in marketing campaigns.  The most important part is the call to action that will drive users back into your store.

I don’t recommend that you send an email every single day, but you should at least send an email once a week. People are busy and if they don’t hear from you they will forget about you.

Email Service Providers:  

These are companies that offer to host your list for you and manage it on your behalf. This way there’s no need to worry about the technical aspect of things such as setting up lists, segmentation, etc.

Email Marketing Providers include Mail Chimp & Constant Contact:

These providers have their servers which make sending emails quick and easy. These may not be very cost-effective depending on how many subscribers you have.

Custom Domain Email List Hosting:

The most affordable option but will require some work when managing subscribers. They will technically go through another website which has its advantages too.

Custom Email List:

The most expensive option but in return offers the best service and delivery rate. Most of these providers will be able to set up email lists. They can also do A/B testing on subject lines and send segmented emails based on user activity.

One of the best full service email providers is Get Response.

Email lists should always have an opt-out or unsubscribe link. This way people who no longer want to receive emails from you know where to go. Email lists should also have the option to subscribe/unsubscribe from your website itself through a signup form.

Your goal here is to build trust by showing people what you offer. You are not just trying to sell them something right away. You have to build up some rapport first (and sending these kinds of promotional messages every single day will make people unsubscribe).

Best Email Marketing Software

Email marketing software can be used for email blasts, drip campaigns & to manage your subscribers.  Some of the most popular ones are MailChimp (great free plan) or Aweber.

Aweber has a great interface and is very fast at sending out emails because it doesn’t send everyone all at once. Instead it sends them in batches based on their scheduled times.

By sending out emails in waves you are less likely to have those emails go right to spam.

You’ll notice that some providers will offer lots more features than others such as tracking open rates/click-throughs etc. While these kinds of extras come with paid services too.

If you’re just starting, it’s not necessary to pay for all these features but they can be nice to have so don’t completely rule them out. Instead, spend more time thinking about email marketing ideas that will be seen as great content.

Examples of Effective Emails for Different Purposes:

Welcome Email:

A welcome email is usually sent right after someone subscribes to get them into the habit of opening your emails by showing all that you offer.

Get people excited about what they signed up for!

Promotional Emails:

Promotional Emails are important because it’s an opportunity to sell more products or services but need to be handled carefully.  Choosing the right time for sending them is crucial and it’s always a good idea to send some kind of value first.

This can be an article or video that relates to what you’re selling. Make sure and add real value that will help people out. If you just send promotional emails all of the time people are definitely going to unsubscribe fast.

Email Marketing Series:

A series of emails that are sent out where each one builds upon the last to help guide people through your sales process.  By having multiple touchpoints, you increase conversions because there’s more opportunity for people to act on what they’re learning.

When done correctly, it can be effective at building trust & credibility with customers. This way when you do send promotional emails they don’t feel like an advertisement but rather useful information.

Email Update/Newsletters:  

People who signed up on sign-up forms for updates want to know what’s going on in your business even after they’ve made a purchase. This is why sending newsletters is important as long as it doesn’t become too much or annoying.

Email Marketing Statistics and Tips for Success

These email marketing ideas for small businesses can drive sales by having a lot of positive feedback. This also helps to retain customers and make new customers up to date on what’s happening in our store.

Email marketing is a highly effective way to reach customers. It continues to grow as one of the best ways for companies to connect with the target audience. Marketing email can be utilized by small business owners because it does not require special software or advanced technical skills.

All you need is an email account and some basic knowledge about email strategy.

Common Mistakes in Email Marketing Campaigns

  • Using too many images in your email.
  • Too few links to social media sites.
  • Emails with no call-to-action copy.
  • Campaigns that are not consistent with brand messages.
  • Duplicate email messages sent to subscribers. Sending the same email message multiple times can irritate subscribers and make them more likely to unsubscribe.

I hope you have found this article to be helpful and informative. Email marketing is a powerful tool that can help your business grow, generate sales, and keep in touch with customers.

If you’re ready for an email marketing strategy that’s proven to work time and time again, then get started! This will help you reach new potential customers, increase customer brand loyalty, and drive traffic back to your website or physical store locations!