challenges for content creators

Top 3 Challenges for Content Creators and How to Solve Them

The challenges for content creators is a topic that has been covered before, but the challenges change depending on when you’re reading this. Today’s challenges will be different than challenges faced in 2009. For example, back then it was all about SEO and today it’s about social media marketing. In order to solve these challenges, we need to know what they are! Here are three of the most common challenges for content creators:

1) Inspiration – It can be difficult coming up with ideas for blog posts or articles when you don’t have any inspiration.

2) Time – There never seems to be enough time in one day.

3) Money – Content creation isn’t cheap.

Let’s Start with Inspiration

Content ideas flow like water when you first start your blog. You’re excited, full of ideas, and you need very little inspiration. And then your blog turns one year old and things start to change.

You have more ideas but the feeling of being excited is gone. You don’t know how to solve challenges anymore, you’re just plodding along with your blog and life in general. What happened?

Most new bloggers start out with a passion for blogging or creating content online. When this initial excitement starts to wane it can be hard to keep going. Blogging is not something where you create content, get feedback, and move on from there. Feedback can take a long time!

How To Stay Inspired as a Content Creator

One of the best ways to stay inspired is to make sure you’re writing something that’s worth reading. Your blog should reflect your personality, interests, and everything else about who you are as a person. If you’re just starting a blog, here is a great article that will help you get it set up the right way.

If you’re not excited by the things that go on in your own life then why would anyone want to read what you’ve written? You need to find ways to make your content creation more interesting for you.

For example, if blogging about finance isn’t very exciting then write a blog post explaining how to create the perfect budget in Excel or Google Sheets. You can even use fun graphics and images that display what’s possible with technology today! It will be much easier to get inspired when you’re making your blog more personal.

Resources for Inspiration

Here are a few resources that you can use to get inspiration for your blog:

  • Dream 100 – Make a list of your top 100 competitors and then create a favorites tab to their website and Youtube channel. This will give you instant insight into what is working in your niche.
  • Google Trends – You can take your ideas from your Dream 100 list and then head over to Google Trends and see if this topic is trending up or down. This will also help you to make sure you’re creating evergreen content.
  • Reddit – A community site where you can talk about topics that interest you and get feedback from members who share similar interests. You can even set up a “subreddit” for your blog content!

Time is Another One of the Challenges for Content Creators

time challenges for content creators

You’ve heard the saying “time flies when you’re having fun” but what about time challenges? When time challenges are keeping you from creating content, it can feel like hours drag on forever! You stare at a blank screen and nothing comes to mind and it’s frustrating.

How many times have you said “I don’t have enough time to work on my blog today!” or “I need more time in a day!”? If these challenges sound familiar then I know exactly how you feel. When it comes to content creation, most of us are in the same boat.

Overcome the Time Challenges for Content Creators

One of the best ways that I have been able to help overcome the time challenge is by outsourcing and software. Let’s start with outsourcing and talk about a couple ways that you can use it to free up some time.

The first one when it comes to blogging is hiring an article writer. You can find these writers on Fiverr, Upwork, and Elance. They will be able to create high-quality articles for your blog that are ready to publish with just a few tweaks here and there.

When it comes to Youtube and creating videos I have found that the most time consuming aspect is video editing. This is what the pros never talk about…

Most of them Don’t edit there own videos!

I have found success using Fiverr for outsourcing my video editing. It really depends on how long your video is and how much editing you want done and that will determine your price. It’s also a good idea to test different editors to find one that you like.

Software Can Save You Time and Money

I also like to use software to save time. I have found that software doesn’t save as much time as outsourcing but it doesn’t usually cost as much either. My number one time saver for blogging is the AI tool Jarvis.

I can write quality blog articles quickly with Jarvis. I can also edit my video with Jarvis. It’s a great tool for getting started on your content creation journey!

In fact, Jarvis can write long form blog content like this article for instance. I also use if for Video topic ideas, Youtube titles, Youtube descriptions, Facebook and Google Ads, and so much more.

Resources for Saving Time with Content Creation:

  • Fiverr – this is my go to for many different outsourcing needs. You can check out the video below to see exactly how to sort through the lists and find the right people.
  • Jarvis AI Tool – once again this is a huge time saver for blogging, Youtube, Ads creation, and so much more. It’s like having your own copywriter on the payroll.
  • Surfer SEO – I use this to understand exactly what I need to write in order to rank on the first page of Google. This tells me the number of words, headings, subheadings, and more. I highly recommend trying the free trial here.

Money Challenges for Content Creators

Money challenges come in two forms for new content creators. First, it’s the lack of extra money to spend on software and outsourcing because of challenge number two.

Challenge number two is the fact that it will usually take at least a year before you start seeing money come in from being a content creator. This is an easy business model that anyone can start, but sticking with it through the challenging times is what is the hardest.

Save Money Using the Right Tools

Both challenges can be overcome by using the right tools and having the right mindset. You need to realize going in that this is going to take some time in order to build your business. This won’t happen overnight!

This is another great reason to use software like Jarvis and Surfer SEO. They will save you money that would otherwise go towards a copywriter or video editor and it has already been developed so there are no long term costs!

I also highly recommend to invest in a course that will teach you everything you need to know to be a successful content creator. This is the one that was a game changer for me, here is the free webinar.

BONUS – Another great resource for generating free traffic right now is TikTok. It’s the fastest growing social media platform on the planet and they are promoting new creators like crazy. Get the free checklist and access to the TikTok Video Training here.

Resources for Saving Money with Content Creation:

Bootstrap – examine every single expense when you first get started. See where you can cut costs but still get the most bang for your buck. Do the work first before you try outsourcing. This way you know what to look for when you hire someone.

Fiverr – I know I mentioned this up above but if you can spend $20 to save 4 hours then I definitely think it saves time and money. Spending hours on tasks that you’re not good at is not a good use of your time, try Fiverr instead. Spend time on the things that will bring in the most return.

Free Traffic – the TikTok checklist will help you set up a TikTok account and start using it to promote your business. This works for online businesses as well as traditional brick and mortar locations.

In Conclusion

The challenges for content creators can be overcome with the right mindset and tools. Understand that this is a business like any other and success doesn’t happen overnight. Most traditional businesses aren’t profitable in their first 3 years!

If you don’t expect to make any money in year one then you won’t be disappointed. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, it’s all part of the learning process. Here are 5 more mistakes you might be making as an affiliate marketer. Remember, first you learn, then you apply what you’ve learned, then you fail, then you get the most valuable part, Experience!

Good luck on your journey and let me know if I can help in any way.