How To Get What You Want in Life (The Checklist)

How do you get what you want in life? This is a question that many people struggle with every day. The answer, like most things, is not always easy to find. In this blog post, we will talk about how to improve your chances of getting what you want in life and achieving your goals!

This checklist will cover steps to show you exactly how to get what you want in life. Stop dreaming and start doing.

Is it Selfish to Learn How To Get What You Want in Life?

You’re only here once, I think it’s perfectly fine to get what you want. Who doesn’t want more money, freedom, better relationships, better health, and happiness? There are certainly worse goals you could set for yourself. It’s important to remember, if other people have achieved what you want to achieve, then why can’t you?

Know Exactly What You Want

know what you want in life

This is one of the most critical factors in getting what you want out of life and so many people stumble here. If you were to ask 10 people on the street what they want out of life how many would be able to tell you? Tell you exactly what they want? Not many.

Most people just say I want more money. So does that mean if you get an extra dollar today you will be satisfied, of course not. The first step is to get crystal clear on exactly what you want. Lets look at the top 3 categories people look at:

Better Health

There is a famous saying that probably explains exactly why this is so important. “A healthy man has a thousand wishes and a dying man has only one.”

Wow, that really puts it in perspective in a hurry. The first step in having better health is to set realistic goals that begin today. Start will small steps and build up from there. Easy wins in the beginning will give you more motivation to continue.

When you set goals for your health you should look at eating habits, exercise, and sleep to get you started on the right foot. Set a daily, weekly, and a monthly goal for each of these. It doesn’t have to be complicated, in fact, the more simple it is, the better.

More Wealth

Exactly how much money do you want to make? How soon do you want to have this money? Most people set this goal but they fail to ask the third and probably most important question. What are you going to give in order to make that amount of money? Forget the lottery mindset, you need an action plan you can follow.

Once you have an idea of what you’re going to give in terms of product or service, the next step is to figure out what to charge and how many customers you will need to meet that goal.

For instance, let’s say you want to make $10K per month, that is a pretty common goal many people start with. If you decide you want to be a coach or consultant and you want to charge $2K per month, you will need 5 clients. This is just an example but you get the idea. Get crystal clear on what you’re going to offer, how much you’re going to charge, and the number of clients you need in order to meet your goal.

Great Relationships

Studies show that great relationships lead to happiness and longer life so it’s certainly a worthwhile goal to invest time here. This doesn’t just include romantic relationships, it also includes family and friends.

Take the time to write down each category of relationships and then write down where you’re at and where you want to be. It’s hard to know where to start until you write down the current state of each relationship and where you want to go from there.

Do What You Love

do what you love each day

There is a famous saying: “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”. Although there is a lot of truth to that, it’s not exactly accurate in my experience. I have been self employed for over 30 years and I still have certain tasks that I don’t enjoy doing.

BUT, and here is the big but, I would rather do what I love each day then have to go to a job I hate. I may have tasks that I don’t enjoy, but I still get to use my talents, have freedom, and love what I do.

There is a fine line to this, you still have to live, pay bills, make money, eat, all of those good things. If you do what you love and don’t make any money, they call that a hobby. If you make a lot of money and hate what you do everyday, they call that misery. Neither of those are good options, so it’s time to find the middle ground.

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Help Other People Get What They Want

Zig Ziglar said it best “You can have anything you want in life as long as you help enough other people get what they want.”

If you help enough other people get what they want, then you will get what you want. This means that if your goal is to make a million dollars, in order for this to happen, you need to help enough other people earn the same amount of money so they can also reach their goals and thus assist with yours.

Be a giver not a taker. Give your time, give your energy, and truly help other people succeed. Not only will this make you happier, it will increase your chances of success 10 fold. It’s important to note, you can’t fake this, you have to truly want to help other people find success.

Stay Positive

When you break down your day it usually goes something like this… Your thoughts, become your emotions, your emotions become your actions, and your actions become your habits.

It’s important to realize that a positive mindset is critical to success in anything. If you want to build habits, model people who are where you want to be. If you want to be a millionaire, then follow these millionaire habits.

How to Get What You Want in Life with Positivity

Studies show that a PMA or positive mental attitude is one of the most critical factors to success. The ability to weather the storm and still keep smiling and pushing forward makes all of the difference.

“If you think you can or think you can’t, you’re absolutely right!” – Henry Ford

Be Willing to Do The Work

learn how to get what you want in life with work

Nothing is going to happen magically, you have to do the work. If you want to get what you want in life then it’s going to take effort.

Most people work for years behind the scenes and then find success. Those who just heard about that person think that they were an overnight success. This is rarely the case, you just weren’t aware of all of the hard work and struggles they had to overcome in order to get where they are.

Expect Challenges as You Learn How to Get What You Want in Life

If you think you are going to get exactly what you want without any challenges then you’re definitely setting yourself up for disappointment. If you know up front that there will be roadblocks, challenges, and setbacks, then you won’t be shocked when they happen.

In order to grow in any area you typically have to learn new skills. When you learn new skills you make mistakes, that is the way life works. As you practice your new skills you get better and gain the experience you need to be successful in that area.

Over Estimate and Under Estimate

People over estimate what they can do in a short period of time, usually weeks or a few months. We also severely under estimate what we can accomplish in months, years, and decades. Plan to work at your goals and continue to set new ones over and over.

Know up front that you won’t be successful overnight, but every single step will get you closer to your goal. By creating these habits in the areas where you want to see improvement, you will be getting closer to your goals by the day.

It’s not always just about the destination, it’s important that you enjoy the ride!

Enjoy the Ride

Stop and smell the roses is probably one of the best things to remember and the easiest to forget. When we focus on our goals we tend to want to accomplish them as fast as possible. Unfortunately many of these goals take time, hard work, patience, and a whole lot of learning.

Celebrate the small wins and reward yourself. If you only have one huge goal and no milestones it’s harder to stay motivated. When you see yourself reaching the small milestones over and over it keeps you motivated, engaged, and ready to tackle the next challenge that comes your way.

Start to Get What You Want in Life

There will never be a perfect time to start a business, follow a dream, achieve a goal, you just have to do it.

If there was ever a time-sensitive goal, it would be to get what you want as soon as possible. If there is no urgency in your goal, then now might not the time for you to strive for success. For example, if you want a promotion but do nothing until you are told that your boss has decided on who will receive the position and this person is not you, it’s too late.

If you have a great idea on how you can improve your relationships but you don’t implement it, it does you no good. You have to get started in order to get what you want in life.

Stop Worrying About What Other People Think

It’s time to stop worrying about what other people think. Let them worry about themselves and you will have more time for your own goals.

So many times people freeze and don’t chase their dreams because they are afraid to fail, afraid of what people will think of them, afraid to take the next step. Overcome your fear and stop caring about things that are out of your control and you will truly feel free. Remember the acronym for FEAR:


Don’t let fear control your life and your decisions. Most things go into 3 buckets. Things you can control, things you can’t control, and things you have some control over. Spend your time focused on what you can control and forget everything else, it’s a waste of your time.

The only opinion that matters is yours, so make sure it reflects the person you want to be!

Wrapping it Up

That wraps up the checklist on how to get what you want in life. Get stared implementing everything you have learned.

Reading educates us, but doing the thing give us experience and success!