How to Get More Followers on TikTok 2021

get more tiktok followers

I am going to show you how to get more followers on TikTok and grow your business. It’s important to remember, the more people you can help and build relationships with, the faster your business will grow. Let’s jump in…

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What is TikTok?

TikTok is a social media platform that is a goldmine for businesses right now. This platform started out more as a lip synching and dancing platform. It’s evolved quickly and is now the most downloaded new social media platform.

The reason it’s so great for business is simple, the reach. When Youtube first started it was easy to get views and build a following organically, now it’s more of a pay to play platform.

The picture above is an updated screenshot from this video, notice the growth!

Facebook initially allowed your posts to be seen by everyone who liked your business page, now they show it to almost no one. Unless of course you pay to boost your post.

Well, we are now in the Golden Era for TikTok and organic reach is easy if you have the right formula. In this article I am going to give you that formula and explain a case study that I did that will blow your mind.

If your interested in my Free 5 Day TikTok training (with video) go here:

Here is a breakdown of the 5 Steps to Get More Followers on TikTok:

Step 1: Research

research is the key to get more followers on TikTok

Before you dive too deep into TikTok do at least 30 minutes of research. Watch videos to see what people post and what is currently popular. If you are in the app, go to the bottom and click the discover icon to search.

You want to search for your niche, or industry, or the types of people you want to emulate with your TikTok page. While your doing your research look at the length of the videos, listen to the type of music, and most importantly, what are they talking about?

Start with the end in mind! What do you want to accomplish? Do you want to get more TikTok followers to build your own personal brand? Eventually would you like to sell products and build an affiliate marketing style channel? Is there something you want to teach?

If you already own a business what industry is it in? Once you’re clear on that do some research on that industry and see what they are talking about in their videos.

Step 2: Account Set up

When you set your account up you a few different options:

  1. You will get a generic name like user123094950121, don’t keep this for long.
  2. If you want to brand yourself and be able to sell products in many different niche’s, I recommend using your name. If it’s not available add live to it.
  3. You can also name your channel based on keywords in your niche. For weight loss in could be Weightloss Tips and Tricks.
  4. If you already own a business and you want to promote locally, which you can do, then this is easy. Just use your business name for brand consistency.

Once you decide on a name then you want to set up a Creator account. Even if you’re a business you don’t want a business account. Here is a pro tip: The TikTok algorithm ranks videos on a few factors and one of them is popular music that you use. With a business account, you only have access to commercially approved music. And guess what, no one is using that music so it won’t trend and have much chance of going viral.

After you set up your creator account, click on Pro Account. It’s free right now to have a Pro Account and the advantage is analytics. With a pro account you can see everything about your videos, trends, your followers, your views, and much more.

Step 3: Types of Videos That Get More Followers on TikTok

The types of videos that you make heavily depends on the goals you have for your TikTok channel. If you want to build a following in the make money online niche for instance, you don’t want to create a bunch of dance videos, it won’t connect.

Informational Videos- everyone likes to learn something new. This is a great way to build your brand and show your expertise.

Avoid Pain Videos- not real pain, more mental. We want to avoid mistakes and videos where you peak curiosity and teach someone what not to do, get a lot of attention and get more followers on TikTok.

Trending Topics- this is where you research trending topics and try to add your spin on it or talk about how it relates to your niche.

For more video types and examples, go HERE to my free 5 day TikTok training. It’s the fastest way to get more followers on TikTok using a proven step-by-step system.

Step 4: Video Tips and Tricks

video tips to get more followers on TikTok

Before you create your first video do some research and look at other people’s first videos. This is a great way to see what works based on the number of views. Feel free to look at mine, it was pretty bad.

Also, while you’re looking at their videos, look at the #hashtags that they used. Hashtags are you “keywords” when it comes to TikTok. Don’t worry about the music they used, you want to use the music that is trending today. I go through that in my training course step-by-step.

The Entry- you want to grab the attention of the viewer right away to stop them from scrolling. Also, by moving into the camera frame in the first second, your video will have an active gif behind the title. For examples of what I mean look at my channel here: Or just click the TikTok link up at the top of this page.

Tell Them Right Away- Tell them right away what the benefit will be from them watching your video, this is critical. Don’t beat around the bush or bore them with who you are, they care about what’s in it for them! You have about 3 seconds to do this before they scroll on so make it count.

Titles- These are important so people know what the video is about when they are on your page. Make it interesting, don’t tell the whole story, peak their curiosity. We want a hook, something that makes them think, “I want to know more”.

Music- The music you choose has a major impact on whether your video goes viral. You want to use trending music, this is a part of the TikTok algorithm when they show your video. (from my understanding and the research of experts). I show you how to find that music and what to set the volume levels to in my free training.

Step 5: #Hashtags to Get More Followers on TikTok

Hashtags are the TikTok equivalent to keywords. They are critical if you ever want someone to see your videos. If you get this part wrong, you can survive it if your content is amazing, but it’s unlikely.

The competition matters. In keyword research they have something called a difficulty score. Basically how hard it is to rank on Google for that keyword. On TikTok each #hashtag has something called views. Here are a couple examples:
#fyp. 5135b views
#passiveincomelifestyle2021. 93k views

The #fyp or the For You Page is the most difficult to rank for, but not impossible. I was able to get on that page twice in the last 30 days. This resulted in 1.8m views on just two videos (and growing).

Basically you want to choose the less competitive #hashtags when you start. Most people don’t know this so you will already be ahead of the game. As you get more followers you can go after the more difficult #hashtags. Learn more about TikTok with these blog posts.

In my course I show you what #hashtags to go over and how to find them real time on video. That is probably the most effective way to understand how to do the research and implement your findings. I will also teach you the #hashtag alphabet strategy that makes all of the difference.

Pro Tip
To get more subscribers on Youtube, send your TikTok followers there, it works great as long as you provide value. Here are a few other ways to get more subscribers on Youtube.